Category «News»

CWF-NWF Submit Protest of BLM Proposed Lease Sale

On May 1, Colorado Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation submitted a protest to the BLM regarding parcels that the agency proposes to offer for lease at its May auction.  These parcels were protested because 2 impact greater sage grouse leks, and two are within a bighorn sheep migratory corridor.  Others impact moose production …

CWF-NWF Submit Protest of BLM Proposed Lease Sale

On May 1, Colorado Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation submitted a protest to the BLM regarding parcels that the agency proposes to offer for lease at its May auction.  These parcels were protested because 2 impact greater sage grouse leks, and two are within a bighorn sheep migratory corridor.  Others impact moose production …

Final CO Roadless Plan Adds Protections for Wildlife

On April 6, 2010, Governor Ritter released the State’s revised roadless plan and forwarded it to the US Department of Agriculture for review and approval.  IN CWF’s view, the revised plan contains important protections for wildlife, including the addition of 410,000 acres of habitat that had been recommended for inclusion by state wildlife biologists in …

Final CO Roadless Plan Adds Protections for Wildlife

On April 6, 2010, Governor Ritter released the State’s revised roadless plan and forwarded it to the US Department of Agriculture for review and approval.  IN CWF’s view, the revised plan contains important protections for wildlife, including the addition of 410,000 acres of habitat that had been recommended for inclusion by state wildlife biologists in …

Join CWF at our Banquet to Support All Things Wild in Colorado

[su_row class=”section1″] [su_column size=”2/5″ center=”no” class=””] [su_lightbox type=”image” src=”×1024.jpg”] [/su_lightbox] [/su_column] [su_column size=”3/5″ center=”no” class=””] When: Saturday, May 1st. Doors open at 4:30 PM, dinner, your choice of sirloin steak, salmon, or veg penne pasta served at 6 PM. Come early to view the many live auction, silent auction and raffle items! Where: The Plaza at the Mart, …

Join CWF at our Banquet to Support All Things Wild in Colorado

[su_row class=”section1″] [su_column size=”2/5″ center=”no” class=””] [su_lightbox type=”image” src=”×1024.jpg”] [/su_lightbox] [/su_column] [su_column size=”3/5″ center=”no” class=””] When: Saturday, May 1st. Doors open at 4:30 PM, dinner, your choice of sirloin steak, salmon, or veg penne pasta served at 6 PM. Come early to view the many live auction, silent auction and raffle items! Where: The Plaza at the Mart, …

Department of Interior Announced Greater Sage Grouse Listing Warranted But Precluded

On Friday, March 5 the US Department of Interior announced that the greater sage grouse will not be listed as an endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.   Its status will be warranted but precluded. CWF’s view:    This decision providese an opportunity for landowners, sportsmen and other conservationists to collaborate on approaches that …

Department of Interior Announced Greater Sage Grouse Listing Warranted But Precluded

On Friday, March 5 the US Department of Interior announced that the greater sage grouse will not be listed as an endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.   Its status will be warranted but precluded. CWF’s view:    This decision providese an opportunity for landowners, sportsmen and other conservationists to collaborate on approaches that …

Sec. Salazar announces oil and gas leasing reform

Oil and gas leasing policy reforms on federal public lands announced by Secretary Salazar on January 6: New guidance to BLM field managers.  BLM is to take a more active role in determining which parcels will be offered at lease auction sales.   Secretary Salazar noted that in 1998 slightly more than 1 percent of …

Sec. Salazar announces oil and gas leasing reform

Oil and gas leasing policy reforms on federal public lands announced by Secretary Salazar on January 6: New guidance to BLM field managers.  BLM is to take a more active role in determining which parcels will be offered at lease auction sales.   Secretary Salazar noted that in 1998 slightly more than 1 percent of …