Category «News»

CWF supports local government review of fencing projects

CWF testified in support of local government review of fencing projects on Sangre de Cristo land grant lands in the San Luis Valley that are planned to be at least five feet in height and exceed a specified length (HB 25-1023). Although CWF traditionally does not weigh in on private property matters, this bill is …

Colorado Habitat Stamp Bill passes the Senate

CWF testified in support of the bill to continue the Colorado Habitat Stamp program (SB25-049). It is a clean bill that will remove the sunset and continue this important program indefinitely. The program began in 2006 and has operated smoothly, investing funds generated from the annual purchase of the habitat stamps into strategic investments to …

Gov. and CPW acquire donation for new Michigan Creek State Wildlife Area

On February 14, 2025 Governor Polis and Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced receipt of a donation for 120 acres in Park County at Michigan Creek.  Wonderful for conservation. It is close to the addition of the Collard Ranch State Wildlife Area last spring. Here is the press release: Governor Polis and Colorado Parks and Wildlife …

State legislative updates re wildlife

Bills CWF testified on to date:   CWF testified in support of the bill to continue the Colorado Habitat Stamp program (SB25-049). It is a clean bill that will remove the sunset and continue this important program indefinitely. The program began in 2006 and has operated smoothly, investing funds generated from the annual purchase of …

Comment period closes March 12 re US Fish and Wildlife Service Proposed Listing Monarch Butterfly as Threatened Species

In December the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act the monarch butterfly as a threatened species. Public comment period closes March 12. According to the Fish and Wildlife Service the western migration has declined by more than 95% since the 1980’s. Here is the December press release:  

Doug Burgum confirmed as Secretary of the Interior

On January 30, 2025 the US Senate voted to confirm Doug Burgum as Secretary of the Interior on a 79-18 vote. Secretary Burgum is the former Governor of North Dakota. We congratulate him and our hope is that he will value the many uses of our public lands and employ a balanced approach to their …

BLM finalized its greater sage grouse plan for Colorado

On January 16, 2025 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it has finalized the Resource Management Plan in Colorado for conserving the Greater Sage-grouse. The plan improves the 2015 plan as the best science has continued to advance during the intervening 10 years. In Colorado the Greater Sage-grouse is a Species of Greatest …

BLM issues proposed final plan to improve greater sage grouse protections

On November 8, 2024 the Bureau of Land Management issued its proposed final plan to improve protections for greater sage grouse on public lands in 10 western states including Colorado. The proposed amended BLM habitat management plans will incorporate updated beset science to strengthen conservation measures for sagebrush habitat on the public lands managed by …