Category «News»

Comment period for State Wildlife Action Plan open til 11/12

Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW)  comment period for the Colorado State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) remains open through November 12. Public comment is sought on the plan at this stage of its development: the draft lists of tier 1 and tier 2 “species of greatest conservation need,” which are the most vulnerable species in Colorado …

BLM publishes record of decision for big game resource mgmt plan amendment

On October 23, 2024 the Colorado BLM published its Resource Management Plan Amendment for Big Game Habitat Conservation to create consistency between wildlife rules promulgated by Colorado’s Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) and 12 BLM field offices. Before this plan, oil and gas operators were required to follow BLM federal leasing and permitting regulations …

Colorado’s ECMC finalizes rules re cumulative impacts from oil and gas operations

On October 15, 2024 Colorado’s  Energy and Carbon Management Commission completed its deliberations to formulate rules that will govern determination of cumulative impacts from oil and gas operations to the environment, including wildlife, water, and nearby communities. CWF was a party to the rulemaking in conjunction with Western Resource Advocates and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. …

BLM releases its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands

On August 30 BLM issued its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendments [Solar PEIS] which, in other words, is its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands.  BLM plans to amend its resource management plans in Colorado and 10 other western states. Essentially BLM plans to open public …

CO BLM releases proposed final Big Game Resource Management Plan Amendment

On July 18, 2024 Colorado State Office of the Bureau of Land Management released its proposed final Big Game Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA). This is a vital management action addresses management of oil and gas potential new development on public lands it manages. CWF commented throughout the process and we appreciate the plan as …

CPW releases draft Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

On July 10, CPW released the draft Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.  Here is the link to the press release.  At the bottom of the release is the link to comment. Please comment on the draft. CWF has been actively involved and tried to gain a strong Priority III: Land, Water and Wildlife Conservation.

Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) Weekend Returns to Colorado!

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Weekend is Back in Colorado! For the first time since 2019, Colorado Wildlife Federation will host the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Weekend again. Colorado Wildlife Federation (CWF) is proud to present the nationally recognized Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) Weekend program this coming July 19-21, 2024, at the beautiful CSU Mountain Campus in Bellvue, …

Floyd Hill Wildlife I-70 Crossing Underpass celebrated

First Gentleman Marlon Reis, Colorado Department of Transportation Executive Director Shalana Lew, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife Director Jeff Davis spoke and cut the ribbon for the Floyd Hill wildlife I-70 highway crossing underpass on June 20, 2024. It is located between the Lookout Mountain and Genesee exits.  More vehicle collisions with wildlife occur there …