Colorado’s Principles for Advancing Outdoor Recreation and Conservation
CWF has signed onto these Principles.
We believe the uniquely American public land heritage is a privilege and a birthright, and Colorado’s abundant open space and outdoor recreation opportunities contribute to our quality of life and economic vitality. Combined with the North American Model of wildlife management and private land conservation, Coloradans and our visitors enjoy spectacular landscapes in which to work, play and live. We celebrate the contributions of all sectors of our economy to sustaining a healthy balance of our State’s ecosystems. Responsible recreation respects all interests on lands and waters, and works to eliminate conflicts. For these reasons, Coloradans should feel compelled to care for and conserve landscapes, waterways and wildlife to sustain them and eliminate conflicts for generations to come by adopting the following principles:
1. Outdoor recreation and conservation require that a diversity of lands and waters be publicly owned, available for public access and cared for
2. Within Colorado’s diversity of land and waters, private land plays a critical role in preserving the ecological integrity of a functional landscape that is necessary for robust and meaningful outdoor recreational experiences.
3. Both recreation and conservation are needed to sustain Colorado’s quality of life. Both are beneficial to local economic well-being, for personal health, and for sustaining Colorado’s natural resources.
4. All recreation has impact. Coloradans have an obligation to minimize these impacts across the places they recreate and the larger landscape through ethical outdoor behavior.
5. Proactive management solutions, combined with public education, are necessary to care for land, water and wildlife, and to provide the protections needed to maintain quality recreation opportunities.
6. Physical, biological and social science must inform the management of outdoor recreation.
7. Stable, long-term, and diverse funding sources are essential to protect the environment and support outdoor recreation.