CO BLM releases proposed final Big Game Resource Management Plan Amendment

On July 18, 2024 Colorado State Office of the Bureau of Land Management released its proposed final Big Game Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA). This is a vital management action addresses management of oil and gas potential new development on public lands it manages. CWF commented throughout the process and we appreciate the plan as it will really help safeguard mule deer, elk, pronghorn and bighorn sheep habitats on these public lands and slow the growth of habitat fragmentation. These populations inhabit a significant portion of the 8.3 million surface acres BLM manages in Colorado. (BLM also manages 4.7 million acres of mineral estate.) The plan also will align with state rules for oil and gas development by the Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) to conserve High Priority Habitats. (Rules 1201 et.seq.) That includes birthing (production) areas, migration corridors, severe winter range/ winter concentration areas.  Earlier, Gov. Polis had issued an Executive Order in 2019 “Conserving Colorado’s Big Game Winter Range and Migration Corridors.”

With this plan, BLM will amend each of its 12 plans in Colorado as to oil and gas development. Until now, plans developed by each BLM field office have differed as to oil and gas federal permitting and leasing processes. The plan also imposes a density limitation – no more than 1 active oil and gas location per square mile.

The BLM’s Big Game RMPA announcement opens a 30-day protest period and a 60-day consistency review by the Governor. After those review periods close, BLM may sign a record of Decision and finalize the plan.

Of course, there are other challenges to big game habitats on public lands in Colorado from other uses if sited in appropriately. BLM is addressing siting of facility size solar energy projects in 11 western states including Colorado in its Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement process. CWF commented on the draft in the context of Colorado. The proposed final plan is expected soon.