Category «News»

Rocky Mt. News story re Threats to Wildlife from Pace of Drilling

Rocky Mountain News Monday, December 10, 2007 Regulators, environmentalists, sportsmen and citizens have cited numerous worries about the oil and gas industry’s impacts to the environment, both realized and potential. Here’s an overview of five major categories of concern: 2. THREATS TO WILDLIFE Habitat fragmentation Gas drilling has expanded into remote parts of the state, …

Colorado Oil and Gas Timeline and Process for Adoption of COGCC Rules

The Colorado Department of Natural Resources has released the Timeline for Adoption of COGCC Rules to Implement HB 1298 and 1341.  CWF has been involved actively in submitting comments this fall and winter on process and wildlife content.     See these comments under Our Stand [this home page].  Below is the link to view the Timeline and materials. Please offer …

Colorado Oil and Gas Timeline and Process for Adoption of COGCC Rules

The Colorado Department of Natural Resources has released the Timeline for Adoption of COGCC Rules to Implement HB 1298 and 1341.  CWF has been involved actively in submitting comments this fall and winter on process and wildlife content.     See these comments under Our Stand [this home page].  Below is the link to view the Timeline and materials. Please offer …

DOW Ponders ATV Enforcement Act

The Colorado Division of Wildlife is closer to calling for a legislative bill that would give wildlife officers power to enforce off-road vehicle laws on federal and state lands. John Smeltzer, vice-chairman of the board of the Colorado Wildlife Federation, said enacting a law giving district wildlife managers enforcement powers is designed to reduce problems …