Category «News»

BLM Advances Oil Shale Research in Colorado

On October 13, 2010, the BLM announced in a press release its 2 nomination for the second round of Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) oil shale leases in northwest Colorado’s Piceance Basin. The two companies are ExxonMobil Exploration CO. and Natural Soda Holdings, Inc. The two leases are up to 160-acre parcels.   The successful …

BLM Advances Oil Shale Research in Colorado

On October 13, 2010, the BLM announced in a press release its 2 nomination for the second round of Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) oil shale leases in northwest Colorado’s Piceance Basin. The two companies are ExxonMobil Exploration CO. and Natural Soda Holdings, Inc. The two leases are up to 160-acre parcels.   The successful …

Colorado Gubernatorial Q and A

Five participating groups pose nine questions to Colorado’s Gubernatorial candidates. For verbatim responses from Tom Tancredo, running on the American Constitution ticket, and John Hickenlooper, the Democratic candidate, please click to see the PDF.

Colorado Gubernatorial Q and A

Five participating groups pose nine questions to Colorado’s Gubernatorial candidates. For verbatim responses from Tom Tancredo, running on the American Constitution ticket, and John Hickenlooper, the Democratic candidate, please click to see the PDF.

Dept. Interior Finalizes Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reforms

On May 17, 2010 the Department of Interior announced finalized oil and gas leasing reforms for BLM managed sub-surface lands.   This means the policy applies to leasing of federal minerals under land surfaces managed by BLM, state surface lands, and private land surfaces.   See the Department of Interior press release below. CWF issued …

Dept. Interior Finalizes Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reforms

On May 17, 2010 the Department of Interior announced finalized oil and gas leasing reforms for BLM managed sub-surface lands.   This means the policy applies to leasing of federal minerals under land surfaces managed by BLM, state surface lands, and private land surfaces.   See the Department of Interior press release below. CWF issued …