Category «News»

BLM Releases Oil Shale draft PEIS

Early on February 3, BLM released its draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for oil shale (and tar sands).   BLM analyzes the allocation decision it made in 2008.  The 2008 plan was to commercially lease 2 million acres (slightly less than the size of Yellowstone National Park).  In the BLM’s preferred alternative, 2(b),  oil shale …

BLM Releases Oil Shale draft PEIS

Early on February 3, BLM released its draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for oil shale (and tar sands).   BLM analyzes the allocation decision it made in 2008.  The 2008 plan was to commercially lease 2 million acres (slightly less than the size of Yellowstone National Park).  In the BLM’s preferred alternative, 2(b),  oil shale …

BLM close to deciding whether master leasing planning for South Park

The Bureau of Land Management said it is close to deciding whether to undertake master leasing planning in South Park. The Colorado Wildlife Federation submitted an application to the BLM on November 4, 2011, seeking master leasing planning in South Park concerning potential oil and gas development. The letter of support attached to the application …

BLM close to deciding whether master leasing planning for South Park

The Bureau of Land Management said it is close to deciding whether to undertake master leasing planning in South Park. The Colorado Wildlife Federation submitted an application to the BLM on November 4, 2011, seeking master leasing planning in South Park concerning potential oil and gas development. The letter of support attached to the application …

CWF opposes Flaming Gorge Pipeline Project

CWF, in conjunction with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Wyoming Wildlife Federation (WWF), filed a Motion to Intervene in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)  proceeding in which Wyco Power and Water filed an application for a preliminary permit, proposing to study feasibility of the Regional Watershed Supply Project proposed by Ft. Collins businessman …

CWF opposes Flaming Gorge Pipeline Project

CWF, in conjunction with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Wyoming Wildlife Federation (WWF), filed a Motion to Intervene in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)  proceeding in which Wyco Power and Water filed an application for a preliminary permit, proposing to study feasibility of the Regional Watershed Supply Project proposed by Ft. Collins businessman …

Parks Willdife Comn settles on rec for Comn composition

At its December meeting (12/8-9) the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission settled on its final recommendations on Legislative Declaration, Agency Mission and Commission Composition:  Recommended Legislative Declaration — The Commission recommends that the statute include the following legislative declaration: It is the policy of the state of Colorado that the wildlife, natural, scenic, and scientific resources …

Parks Willdife Comn settles on rec for Comn composition

At its December meeting (12/8-9) the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission settled on its final recommendations on Legislative Declaration, Agency Mission and Commission Composition:  Recommended Legislative Declaration — The Commission recommends that the statute include the following legislative declaration: It is the policy of the state of Colorado that the wildlife, natural, scenic, and scientific resources …

Udall Highlights USFS findings re bark beetle mgmt

Pasted below is Sen. Udall’s press release Dec.1, 2011 highlighting Forest Service findings to manage the bark beetle epidemic. U.S. SENATOR MARK UDALL Armed Services, Energy and Natural Resources, Intelligence and Aging Committees December 1, 2011 Udall Highlights Forest Service Findings to Manage Bark Beetle Epidemicâ�¨Ã¢ï¿½¨ Requested Report Last Year to Fine-Tune Public Safety, Mitigation …

Udall Highlights USFS findings re bark beetle mgmt

Pasted below is Sen. Udall’s press release Dec.1, 2011 highlighting Forest Service findings to manage the bark beetle epidemic. U.S. SENATOR MARK UDALL Armed Services, Energy and Natural Resources, Intelligence and Aging Committees December 1, 2011 Udall Highlights Forest Service Findings to Manage Bark Beetle Epidemicâ�¨Ã¢ï¿½¨ Requested Report Last Year to Fine-Tune Public Safety, Mitigation …