BLM releases its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands

On August 30 BLM issued its Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendments [Solar PEIS] which, in other words, is its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands.  BLM plans to amend its resource management plans in Colorado and 10 other western states. Essentially BLM plans to open public lands within 15 miles of planned or existing transmission corridors or on previously disturbed lands that are not excluded under certain criteria such as big game migration corridors mapped as “high use” and severe winter range. The plans will not become final until BLM issues a record of decision, likely by the end of this year. CWF is studying the details of the document as we had issued extensive comments as it pertains to Colorado when it was proposed in 2023. We will post our assessment next week. Here is BLM press release.