BLM announces final Public Lands Rule

On April 18, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management announced its final Public Lands Rule. Its purpose is to elevate conservation so that it is fully considered an essential equal element in the agency’s work to balance multiple uses. CWF and NWF issued a lengthy comment letter to the proposed rule in June of 2023. BLM had received more than 200,000 comments on the draft rule. œThe Public Lands Rule will elevate BLM’s attention to conservation so that it gains equal footing among the array of multiple uses it must manage, said Suzanne O’Neill, executive director of Colorado Wildlife Federation. We particularly applaud the emphasis on ecosystem resilience, intact and connected landscapes, and on setting priorities for restoration of degraded lands.  The Rule provides for restoration and mitigation leases as an important tool to help support health of public lands it manages. The Rule will be published in the Federal Register and then we will post information on the details. Here is the link to BLM’s announcement.